Saturday, June 18, 2011

Just for Am Lit

Only I know how much I suck at blog maintenance. Which is why I don't bother writing one. But how can I refuse when Shobana ma'am asks me to do one... Just for Am Lit? After all, my first rule of being a student of CEP is "First say yes. Then think of how" and I can't possibly go against it, myself.

All of last year, I never paid attention during Brit Lit, except when we did My Last Duchess. Anyway, I don't regret not paying attention. It saved me a LOT of trouble. This sem, I've been such a good girl and I've been listening in class and everything... And I must say, the way Shobana ma'am teaches has a way of making you think. From one thought comes a question, from that question comes a counter-question, from that comes a possible answer, to which there is an argument- and before you know it, there is utter chaos in your head. Maybe that happens to me because I know so less. But the more I learn, the more chaotic my mind becomes. Maybe blogging is a good idea- hopefully, I'll be able to organize my thoughts.

The whole thing started when I was hyperventilating about Chief Seattle's Speech. Awesome stuff, I must tell you! I had a whole, messy argument for Shobana ma'am when she said that some of the white men 'meant well'. Ok, I'll get to that later. 
Basically, there are a lot of things that pop to my head, take root and shape my future thought processes. They aren't "academic"... Some of them completely move away from Am Lit itself. But all of them arise from whatever we're reading. 

Hoping to make sense,

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